Friday 29 June 2012

Reasons to Believe in YOU...

Reasons to Believe in YOU...
There are a million reasons to believe in yourself, in who you are and in your abilities - and they vary from person to person - but here's a few to get you started that we can all claim for ourselves!

* YOU are completely unique.

* You were put in this world for a purpose that only YOU can fulfil.

* You are beautiful inside and out.

* You are powerful beyond all imagination.

* You are capable of infinate love.

* You have a sense of gratitude which calls out joy in the here and now whenever you choose to tap into it.

* You posess within you the strength to overshadow negative thoughts with positive ones.

* You humanness allows you to support the dreams of others.

* You can embrace challenges as opportunities.

* You can live with enthusiasm and excitement for life.

* Your eyes, your heart are able to look at the world in awe and wonder.

* You have your own complex understanding of the world that is part of the fabric of you.

* You have more strength, courage, love and hope available to you than you will need in this life.

* You make a difference.

* You can be gentle and loving towards yourself.

* No matter how old you are, inside of you lives the eternal child complete with the joy, playfulness and wonder of your youth.

* You appreciate others and see their potential.

* You can overcome obstacles that come into your path, it may not always be easy, but you are always capable.

* Your passions run deep.

* The decisions you make help to shape your life.

* You are you and who you are is fabulous.

* You can let go of the past, live in the present and look forward to the future.

* You learn from your mistakes and move forward

* YOU are the best 'you' that you can be - and that is more than enough!

Pay It Forward

‘Pay It Forward’ is a novel about a young boy who did three good deeds for others in need. In return, all that the child wanted was that they pass on the good deed to three other people and keep the cycle going.  One good deed might not seem like much, but if everyone did something good for someone else then the cycle of genorosity and kindness impacts not only those who recieve but those who give. 

We can ALL make a difference!

It doesn't matter how much money you have, whether life is going to plan or feels like its dropping to bits - we all have something to give, not instead of giving to ourselves, but as well as.  The act may be simple, but the impact is inestimably powerful.

Here are some ideas and some quotes for inspiration...

* Be attentive wherever you are for opportunities to help someone. Perhaps you have a neighbour who needs help taking their bin out, needs a babysitter, you're driving and could let someone out in front of you, going into work and could open the door for someone, say the thing you want to say to encourage someone even if you're worried about being embarassed - it might be the thing they need to hear.

* Learn a statement of gratitude in another language and share it.

* Send a card to someone you know - to encourage, to check it - for no reason other than you care for them and want them to know that.

* Do something nice for someone you don't know (or don't know very well). It should be something significant, and not for a person from whom you expect a good deed -- or anything at all, for that matter -- in return.

* Litter pick on a local beach or in a park.

* Make a packed lunch or a cake for someone and attach a joke to it.

* Send a thank you note to an unsung hero, a person or charity or business doing something to help other or the world around you.

* Spread the word. If the person thanks you and wants to "repay" you (that is, pay it "back"), let them know that what you'd really like is for them to pay it "forward" - The idea is to consciously increase the goodness of the world.

* Create five cards with positive messages on them and leave them in your work place, a coffee shop, a library etc. for someone to find them.

* Check out operation beautiful HERE and get posting those post it messages on mirrors.

* Offer inspiring reading to someone you know.

* Pay it forward. When you notice that somebody has done something nice for you, make a note in your mind to practice three acts of kindness towards other people.


Sunday 24 June 2012

Ideas for Self Nurturing

In line with this month's WRFF rota and in preparation for my video spot today I went through some resource folders and came across a HUGE list of self nurturing ideas I thought I would share here.  No matter who you are, what you do and what's going on in your life, we all need to make and take some time to care for ourselves whether thats a quiet ten minute soak in the bath or a day out with people we love.  Get inspired and take some time to do something for YOU - you're worth the effort and you deserve that time.

Listen to your favourite music
Take a long, warm bubble bath

Go for a walk (FREE)

Hug a loved one - human or animal (FREE)

Relax outdoors enjoying the world around you (FREE)

Practice contentment and grattitude considering all the positives in your life (FREE)

Physical Activity (I recommend Zumba!) (Can be FREE)

Spiritual meditation, time and/or prayer (FREE)

Attend a support group, or join a class which is in someway nurturing (Can be FREE)

Pracice Diaphragmatic Breathing (FREE) (Search online for breathing exercises and find one that works for you).

Practice Mindfulness (FREE) (Check out resources on this blog or search online for more details and exercises).

Take time to relax, stretch and release the tension from your body (FREE)

Reflect on your positive qualities (FREE)

Watch the sunrise/sunset (FREE)

Watch the ocean (FREE)

Laugh (Can be FREE) - You tube is an excellent free source of funny - especially for animal antics!

Use visualisation techniques (FREE) - Relax and focus on a scene that calms you mountains, oceans, a dream place, a safe space and/or use guided visualisations (again Youtube for fab freebies)

Get creative - draw, paint, write, collage, scrapbook, photograph - its not about quality or getting it right its about expression and self care

Attend a concert, see a film, visit a circus, see a play, attend a sports game

Do something you never did before

Read a favourite book or treat yourself to a new one

Sing, hum, dance or whistle a song that makes you happy

Play a musical instrument

Do some gardening

Learn a new skill

Ride a bike

Walk the dogs (FREE)

Put effort into a meal you wouldn't normally make or bake

Go swimming

Walk barefoot on the beach (FREE)

Visit a special place you enjoy

Take time to smell the roses (connect and enjoy the world around you) (FREE)

Let yourself day dream a while (FREE)

Go horseback riding

Reflect on your memories - look through old photo albums and memory boxes (FREE)

Visit a museum or gallery

Treat yourself to a catnap (FREE)

Practice yoga - again youtube! (FREE)

Play at seeing the shapes in clouds (FREE)

Star gaze (FREE)

Go sailing

Treat yourself to an affordable gift just because!

Practice positive affirmations (FREE)

Watch a favourite film or TV show

Make a bouquet of flowers

Make something - jewellery, cards, decorate cups, plant pots etc.

Visit park or woods (FREE)

Read positive motivational literature

Catch up with a friend (FREE)

Go on a picnic

Enjoy a cup of tea or coffer (don't just drink it - mindfully enjoy it!)

Play a favourite sport or game

Practice a relaxation exercise (FREE)

Practice the art of forgiveness (FREE)

Explore a new place

Hug a tree - why not! (maybe not in public though!) (FREE)

Create my own list of self nurturing activities!!! (FREE)

Hope. Always hope.

On the base of my spine I have a lotus flower tattoed with the word 'dum spiro spero' underneath it meaning while I  breathe I hope.
No matter what there is always hope.
Always, always.

"Hope" is the thing with feathers—
That perches in the soul—
And sings the tune without the words—
And never stops—at all—

And sweetest—in the Gale—is heard—
And sore must be the storm—
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm—

I've heard it in the chillest land—
And on the strangest Sea—
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb—of Me."
~Emily Dickenson~

Friday 22 June 2012

Slutwalk September 2012 London


"I am walking because I was raped. I am walking because two thirds of people who answered a survey would say I am to blame for my rape. The only person to blame is the man who raped me.I am so angry with the lack of justice, the hundreds and thousands of rapists who walk away. I am angry because the survivors of rape are victimised again and again. If we report it (I did) we are forced to re-live it in horrendous detail several times over. We feel violated again when the CPS decides not to prosecute after all and he simply walks away. We are not victims. We were victims, for a moment in time. Now, we are survivors."
~Emily Jacob~
This may seem an odd thing to put on a warm fuzzy blog - but this makes my heart warm and fuzzy because there is strength and empowerment and love in this movement.  Slutwalk is the radical notion that nobody deserves to be raped and formed following a Toronto policeman telling a group of law students that in order to avoid being raped ‘women should avoid dressing like sluts'.  Women and men across the globe have marched since demanding that governments stop cutting funding to domestic violence and rape crisis centres and refuges, that society learns to blame the rapist not the victim and that rape is never never ok or justified.

This movement is incredibly empowering and entirely necessary.  I was unwell last year and unable to make it to London Slutwalk but the date is out for this year and so I competely unashamedly plugging it here - whatever your age, gender, background- it doesn't matter - if you believe that a women's wardrobe has more right to give consent than her mouth - then get yourself there.
Find Slutwalk online HERE and follow them on facebook, twitter etc. for event updates.

Below are some videos to explain more taken from Slutwalk 2011 

Slutwalk because... 

London Slutwalk 2011

The Awakening


Sonny Carroll
There comes a time in your life when you finally get it ... When in the midst of all your fears and insanity you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out "ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying or struggling to hold on." And, like a child quieting down after a blind tantrum, your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or twice, you blink back your tears and through a mantle of wet lashes you begin to look at the world from a new perspective.
......This is your awakening.
You realize that it is time to stop hoping and waiting for something or someone to change, or for happiness safety and security to come galloping over the next horizon. You come to terms with the fact that there aren't always fairytale endings (or beginnings for that matter) and that any guarantee of "happily ever after" must begin with you. Then a sense of serenity is born of acceptance.

So you begin making your way through the "reality of today" rather than holding out for the "promise of tomorrow." You realize that much of who you are and the way you navigate through life is, in great part, a result of all the social conditioning you've received over the course of a lifetime. And you begin to sift through all the nonsense you were taught about :

- how you should look and how much you should weigh,
- what you should wear and where you should shop,
- where you should live or what type of car you should drive,
- who you should sleep with and how you should behave,
- who you should marry and why you should stay,
- the importance of bearing children or what you owe your family,

Slowly you begin to open up to new worlds and different points of view. And you begin re-assessing and re-defining who you are and what you really believe in. And you begin to discard the doctrines you have outgrown, or should never have practiced to begin with.

You accept the fact that you are not perfect ,and that not everyone will love appreciate or approve of who or what you are... and that's OK... they are entitled to their own views and opinions. And, you come to terms with the fact that you will never be a size 2 or a "perfect 10".... Or a perfect human being for that matter... and you stop trying to compete with the image inside your head or agonizing over how you compare. And, you take a long look at yourself in the mirror and you make a promise to give yourself the same unconditional love and support you give so freely to others. Then a sense of confidence is born of self-approval.

And, you stop maneuvering through life merely as a "consumer" hungry for your next fix, a new dress, another pair of shoes or looks of approval and admiration from family, friends or even strangers who pass by. Then you discover that it is truly in "giving" that we receive, and that the joy & abundance you seek grows out of the giving. You recognize the importance of "creating" and "contributing" rather than "obtaining" and "accumulating."

And you give thanks for the simple things you've been blessed with, things that millions of people upon the earth can only dream about - a full refrigerator, clean running water, a soft warm bed, the freedom of choice and the opportunity to pursue your own dreams.

And you begin to love and to care for yourself. You stop engaging in self-destructive behaviors, including participating in dysfunctional relationships. You begin eating a balanced diet, drinking more water and exercising. And because you've learned that fatigue drains the spirit and creates doubt and fear, you give yourself permission to rest. And just as food is fuel for the body, laughter is fuel for the spirit and so you make it a point to create time for play.

Then you learn about love and relationships - how to love, how much to give in love, when to stop giving, and when to walk away. And you allow only the hands of a lover who truly loves and respects you to glorify you with his touch. You learn that people don't always say what they mean or mean what they say, intentionally or unintentionally, and that not everyone will always come through... and interestingly enough, it's not always about you. So, you stop lashing out and pointing fingers or looking to place blame for the things that were done to you or weren't done for you. And you learn to keep your Ego in check and to acknowledge and redirect the destructive emotions it spawns - anger, jealousy and resentment.

You learn how to say "I was wrong" and to forgive people for their own human frailties. You learn to build bridges instead of walls and about the healing power of love as it is expressed through a kind word, a warm smile or a friendly gesture. And, at the same time, you eliminate any relationships that are hurtful or fail to uplift and edify you. You stop working so hard at smoothing things over and setting your needs aside.

You learn that feelings of entitlement are perfectly OK and that it is your right to want or expect certain things. And you learn the importance of communicating your needs with confidence and grace. You learn that the only cross to bear is the one you choose to carry and that eventually martyrs are burned at the stake. Then you learn to distinguish between guilt, and responsibility and the importance of setting boundaries and learning to Say NO. You learn that you don't know all the answers, it's not your
job to save the world and that sometimes you just need to LET GO.

Moreover, you learn to look at people as they really are and not as you would want them to be, and you are careful not to project your neediness or insecurities onto a relationship. You learn that you will not be more beautiful, more intelligent, more lovable or important because of the man on your arm or the child that bears your name. You learn that just as people grow and change, so it is with love and relationships, and that that not everyone can always love you the way you would want them to. So you stop appraising your worth by the measure of love you are given. And suddenly you realize that it's wrong to demand that someone live their life or sacrifice their dreams just to serve your needs, ease your insecurities, or meet "your" standards and expectations. You learn that the only love worth giving and receiving is the love that is given freely without conditions or limitations. And you learn what it means to love.

So you stop trying to control people, situations and outcomes. You learn that "alone" does not mean "lonely" and you begin to discover the joy of spending time "with yourself" and "on yourself." Then you discover the greatest and most fulfilling love you will ever know - Self Love. And so it comes to pass that, through understanding, your heart heals; and now all new things are possible.

Moving along, you begin to avoid Toxic people and conversations. And you stop wasting time and energy rehashing your situation with family and friends. You learn that talk doesn't change things and that unrequited wishes can only serve to keep you trapped in the past. So you stop lamenting over what could or should have been and you make a decision to leave the past behind. Then you begin to invest your time and energy to affect positive change. You take a personal inventory of all your strengths and weaknesses and the areas you need to improve in order to move ahead, you set your goals and map out a plan of action to see things through.

You learn that life isn't always fair and you don't always get what you think you deserve, and you stop personalizing every loss or disappointment. You learn to accept that sometimes bad things happen to good people and that these things are not an act of God... but merely a random act of fate.

And you stop looking for guarantees, because you've learned that the only thing you can really count on is the unexpected and that whatever happens, you'll learn to deal with it.

And you learn that the only thing you must truly fear is the great robber baron of all time -fear itself. So you learn to step right into and through your fears, because to give into fear is to give away the right to live life on your terms. You learn that much of life truly is a self-fulfilling prophesy and you learn to go after what you want and not to squander your life living under a cloud of indecision or feelings of impending doom.

Finally, with courage in your heart and with God by your side you take a stand, you take a deep breath and you begin to design the life you want to live as best as you can.

Thursday 21 June 2012

For Now Let Me Just Say...

This poem is absolute amazing and applies to everyone - regardless of situations or circumstances.
For Now Let Me Just Say
~Author Unknown~
Sometimes I feel like I have more to say to myself
But I can’t find the words. And all that comes to mind is -

I am beautiful.
I am worthy of living
and loving.
I am exquisite – unique.
I am believable – as me.

Why did I waste all these years….?!?

Never mind. Ignore her.
I’m back. I am grateful.
The eating disorder, the depression, the anxiety
they were all just signposts.
They were my South, East and West
pointing me North to NOW.

Now…when I know I am beautiful.
Now…when I know I am worthy of living and loving.
Now…when I know I am exquisite – unique.
Now…when I know I am beautiful – as me.
Now…when I know that, YES, I am capable of achieving great things
But, more importantly, I know that I have already achieved great things
because -

I survived.
I survived myself.
I survived others’ pain.
I survived this media-saturated society we live in
with body, mind, heart and soul stubbornly

In fact, I did more than survive.
I regrouped.
I restored.
I rebuilt.
I revived.

And even now I am regrouping.
I am restoring.
I am rebuilding.
I am reviving, discovering, accepting and exploring
the ‘me’ in all this.
The me who got lost and left behind.
The me who was forgotten and misplaced her voice
for awhile because of it.

So amazing – she sings again.

I sing again.
And I speak.
I speak out against some
But mostly towards all of us
Who have splintered off our hearts and souls
from our minds and bodies….
who have forgotten that we are all whole by design
and that Whole is the only way.

Whole is beautiful.
Whole is worth living and loving.
Whole is exquisite – utterly unique.
Whole is believable – the only believable you and me.

And most of all, whole is the only thing worth dying
Living and fighting for…do we ever really realize -

You are the only you who ever was, is, or ever will be.
And I am the only me.

Sometimes I feel like I have more to say to myself – to everyone –
But I just can’t find the words.
So for now, let me just say –


Ok so I realise that this sounds lame, and when I talked to a friend about this video a couple of days ago she referred to it as 'sad'.  However, why do we react this way?  We have been give the tools with which we can replenish and comfort ourselves this way and the reality is, sometimes when we need a hug the most there is nobody there or else we do not want to allow anyone to hug us - and thats ok but it doesnt make a hug any the less necessary.
So I encouraged my friend to try this for five minutes and so did I and its actually very effective.
So give it a try xxx

Emotional Healing

Tree song
Pruning is over-
now begins the growing.
Call forth energy
from deep roots,
stretch limbs,
feel buds begin to swell,
reach for wind and sun.
As you leaf,
understand that
under your green canopy,
flowers will grow in your shade,
and even in winter,
roots will store food
to feed the burst
of spring.
So in fall, paint your colors boldly,
brilliant reds and golds,
and put your seeds to slumber,
preparing for spring.
In your time of flowering,
or with naked branches,
do not fear the rain,
or the coldest winds,
but stand tall,
look to the horizon,
watch the sun set
and the sun rise.
From your center,
feel each fracture in your bark
find its way to heal.
Remember this:
Leaves know
when they must fall,
and when to bud,
just as the seed knows
when to put forth its first true leaves.

by Lenore Horowitz

(right click and save image in order to read more clearly!)

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Letting Go...

In theory letting go should be easy, in practice it is rarely the case. Letting go means change and change is scary, it means leaving what is familiar and leaving ones self open to something new. Letting go means different things in different circumstances but its underpinning is the act of giving up control, expectations, old messages - its dropping baggage so that you can travel light into the future. 

Life is kinda like Ryan Air - its costs alot to carry extra baggage. Letting go isn't about losing or failing, it isnt weakness and it doesn't equate to giving up. To let go means you choose to free yourself in order to become stronger, happier, more confident and to continue to grow into the person you are, the essence of yourself, of who you were created to be and in letting go of the negative, the painful, the pressure, the control, the extra baggage - you set yourself free to live out your purpose in this world and to love it.

Below are some quotes and exercises in letting go...

Marsha Linehan - Steps for Letting Go of Painful Emotions

Observe your emotion. Acknowledge that the emotion exists. Stand back from it and get yourself unstuck from it.

Try to experience your emotion as a wave, coming and going. You may find it helpful to concentrate on some part of the emotion, like how your body is feeling, or some image about it.
Don't try to push the emotion away or reject it and dont judge your emotion. There are no bad emotions, just emotions, each one as valid as the other.

You are not your emotion. Your emotion is a part of you, but it is not all of you. You don't necessarily have to act on emotions, you may just need to sit with them.

Practice LOVING your emotions. We can learn to love out emotions just the way we can learn to love (accept) anything else about ourselves or our experiences that we cannot change. Remember that acceptance (love) and approval are two different things.

The River: An Exercise In Letting Go

We all know, or at least should know, that there are many benefits to letting go of our negative feelings, particularly in relation to our past. We know that, for our own health, we must forgive those who have harmed us. We know that anything we cling to desperately — whether it's to avoid something else, to use as a guide for the future, or because we were wronged — is corrosive to our very being. It leaves us stuck at what can sometimes be a terrible place to be stuck. And we do it to ourselves. Hence, the River.

The River. A place to let go. A place to release. A place to cleanse ourselves. A place to wash, rinse and repeat. Let's go there now, in fact.

Close your eyes (but read the following instructions first!) and relax every muscle in your body, starting at the toes. If you hear an occasional noise, do as Eckhart Tolle says and ignore it, as though it were a child wanting your attention. Now, take a walk through the forest (use your mind). Walk until you see a clearing and a running river.

You are all alone and you are at peace. Hear the running water. Step into the water. Is it warm? Is it cold? Look up through the leaves. Is the sun too bright?
We're ready to begin our work. Continue walking in the water until you reach the middle of the river. Now hold out your arms and put each negative item into them. Don't forget those people you have not been able to forgive. Include every instance where someone you cared about said that you have fallen short or failed to measure up. Don't think about whether these are true. They are negative and we are releasing those items right now.

When you feel ready, take a deep breath, both physically and in your vision. Turn around to face the direction of the flow. Bend down, release everything into the flow. Like water, which purifies itself after having run for a certain length of time, these items will purify as well. You are free from them.

Now, do as you please as you leave the forest and return to the mundane. Enjoy the water, look at the forest, feel the sun on your skin. Walk out of the forest.

Image © Elena Kalis

Monday 18 June 2012

Take A Mindful Walk

Mindfulness sounds like a lot of work - but its really just about slowing things down, keeping your mind on what you are doing, focusing on it and experiencing it full.  Taking a mindful walk allows you to appreciate the beauty in the world around you, the sounds, the smells, the colours and the sensations you feel taking that walk.  Its taken a little time for you to take pleasure in the world in the moment - letting go for that time of all the ups and downs of life that weigh on your mind and allowing yourself just to be.  If your mind wanders thats ok - take a couple of deep breaths - and focus again on the world around you.

Take a few deep breaths, and just acknowledge that during your walk you will try to be aware of your environment and your internal state (i.e., thoughts, feelings, sensations). There are no set rules for this walk, and it can be done in any location.

As you begin to walk, first notice the sensation of your feet hitting the ground. Notice the process of moving your legs. What muscles tense or relax as you move? Notice where you are stepping, the quality of each step (i.e., are you stepping hard or lightly onto the ground), and the feel of the ground beneath your feet or shoes.

Expand your awareness to notice your surroundings. As you walk, what do you see, smell, hear, taste, and feel? How does the air feel on your skin? What do you notice around you?

Expand your awareness so that you remain aware of the sensation of walking and the external environment while you also become aware of your internal experiences, such as your thoughts and emotions.

What thoughts cross your mind as you walk? What emotion or emotions are there right now? Are they intense, or mild? Are these internal experiences pulling you in or can you observe them with a little bit of distance? No need to judge these internal experiences as good or bad, practice just noticing them for what they are.

As you complete your walk, congratulate yourself for your intention to practice mindful walking, no matter how many times your mind was pulled away from the walk, or how "well" you thought your practice went today. Just notice that the intention to be mindful is the key to practice, and pat yourself on the back.

REMEMBER - If at any point during your walk you notice your mind wandering to the past or the future, or being pulled away from the walk, just gently acknowledge that your mind has wandered and bring yourself back to the present moment and the walk. Remember that being pulled away and coming back is the key to mindfulness practice -- no one has perfect focus.

Saturday 16 June 2012

NOTHING is Impossible

"Nothing is Impossible"
Keep your dreams alive - nothing is impossible.
Keep your ambition alive - everything is possible.

Don't let your life pass by without making something useful
Don't let your youth pass without leaving your special imprint

Don't let destiny control your life.
Don't let it control your mind.  Be strong.  Be the leader.  Be everything you want.

Don't be like a snowflake. Everything corrupting you, everything destroying you.
Don't be like paper every wave throws you every spot stains you.

Your past is finished, so why are you still thinking and crying because of it?

Oh my God!!...darkness black clouds cold air horrendous shadows frightful voices
sadness dark souls the smell of death surround you
SUDDENLY, a dull light shines down the light becomes stronger and stronger
till the sun rises and diffuses: HOPE DREAMS SMILES HAPPENESS
then, all the darkness flees as an aghast mouse to his dirty bolt hole

Be careful look before you leap BECAUSE, it's better to be sure, than sorry

Be confident be friendly be helpful work hard do your duty make the best of things
BECAUSE, as you sow, so shall you reap

Live each day, and keep your time on a string
Sew your destiny as you like color your life as you wish

Always remember every man is the architect of his own fortune

Look towards your shining future struggle fight nothing ventured nothing gained...
never say die carry on till you reach your exalted goals don't rest till you get the star

Always remember where there's a will, there's away

Our life is a pen it keeps on writing writing writing writing till the end

Remember, you are the painter of your life!
Remember, you are the creator of your destiny!
Remember, you are someone special!

Friday 15 June 2012


We all need peace.
Life around us can be chaotic, falling to bits and a fog of the unknown - but if we have peace of mind, of heart, of spirit we can still live in peace.  Peace is about acceptance and using the mind to focus on that which truly matters.
You are acceptable for who you are - as you are
and only you stands in the way of making that a reality.

Thursday 14 June 2012

The Soul Bird

Soul Bird
~ Michal Snunit~

Deep down,
inside our bodies,
lives the soul.
No one has ever seen it,
but we all know it's there.
Not only do we know it's there,
we know what's in it, too.

Inside the soul,
right in the very middle of it,
there is a bird standing on one foot.
This is the soul bird.
It feels everything we feel.
When someone hurts our feelings,
the soul bird runs round and round in pain
When someone loves us,
it hops and skips
up and down
backwards and forwards
When someone calls our name,
it listens carefully
to hear what kind of call it is.
When someone is angry with us,
it curls itself into a ball
and is silent and sad.
And when someone hugs us,
the soul bird, deep down inside,
grows and grows
until it almost fills us.
That's how good it feels when someone hugs us

Deep down, inside, lives the soul.
No one has ever seen it,
but we all know it's there.
Never, never has a person been born..
who didn't have a soul.
It sparks the moment we are born
and never leaves us-
not even once-
for as long as we live.
It's like the air that people breathe
from the moment they are born
until the time they die.

-Do you want to know what the soul bird is made of?
Well, it's really quite simple:
it's made of drawers.
These drawers can't be opened just like that-
because each is locked with its own special key!
Only the soul bird can open its drawers.

Ah, that's quite simple too:
with its other foot.

-The soul bird stands one one foot,
and with its other foot..
(tucked under its wing when it's resting)
it turns the key to the drawer it wants to open,
pulls the handle, and lets everything inside- out!

-Because there is a drawer for everything we feel,
the soul bird has many, many drawers:
one for being happy and one for being sad;
one for being jealous and one for being content;
one for being hopeful and one for being hopeless;
one for being patient and one for being impatient.
There is also one for hating and for being loved.
There is even a drawer for being lazy and one for being vain.
And there is a special drawer for your deepest secret -
which is hardly ever opened.
There are other drawers too -
whatever drawers you dream of.

Sometimes you can tell the bird..
which keys to turn and which drawers to open.
Sometimes the bird will choose especially for you.
Like, when you want to be silent
and order the soul bird to open the silence drawers.
But the bird decides all by itself
to open the talking drawer
and you talk and talk
without even wanting to.
You want to listen patiently,
but the soul bird opens his impatience drawer
and you become impatient.

Sometimes you get jealous without meaning to.
And sometimes you get in the way when you only want to help.
The soul bird does not always do what it is told
and gets things in a mess.
By now you've understood that everyone is different
because there's a difference soul bird deep inside.
The bird opens the happiness drawer each day
pours happiness into your body
and you will be happy.

But if the bird opens the anger drawer
he will be angry
until the bird closes the drawer behind him.
A bird who feels bad
will open up the drawers
which make you feel bad.

A bird who feels good
will open up the drawers
which make you feel good.
Most important is to listen to the soul bird,
because sometimes it calls us and we don't hear it.
This is a shame- it wants to tell us about ourselves.
It wants to tell us about the feelings
that are locked up inside its drawers.

Some of us hear it all the time.
Some almost never.
And some of us hear it
only once in a lifetime.

That's why it'a good idea -
maybe late at night when everything is quiet -
to listen to the soul bird
deep down inside us.