Only Happy News 24-7

You Got To Just Do It!
The wisdom of six year old Phoebe and her mission to feed hungry people...

watch the videos - this is so inspiring -

This little girl started asking questions about the homeless she saw on the streets and the campaign posters for help with those who were hungry.  And she wanted to help them.  She hand wrote letters to family and friends for donations for food banks with the help of her nursery school teach.  At the time she was five  years old.  People shared Phoebe's story and her letters and the campaign gathered momentum and within 2 months Phoebe raised $3,736.30 (enough to feed 18,000 people).  After a further six months Phoebe's project raised another $20,202! (enough to feed 90,000 people).  Tyson's food hunger relief challenge named Phoebe as their winner meaning a donation of 15 tonnes of chicken was donated to Phoebe's food bank - enough to feed 120,000 people. 

A Reminder to Never Accept the Limitations Anybody Places On You:-

Elsie Wilson

Elsie Wilson
Elsie, who has died just before her 102nd birthday, weighed under 3lbs when she was born, was given at best months to live and realistically wasn’t expected to survive.  But she defied the doctors and went on to lead an impressively long life.  She celebrated her 100th birthday in 2010 with congratulations from the Queen.

83 Year Old Man Gives Away His Kidney to A Complete Stranger

Nicholas Crace is an 83 year old man from Overton in Hampshire.  He is a man who spent his career directing charities offering support to those with mental health problems, terminal illness and the elderly.  When his wife of nearly 60 years had a stroke, he cared for her for six years until she died last summer.  Following her death he found himself with time and energy to spare.  He volunteered as a driver for the local hospice, but still wanted to give more to others.  He had given blood all his life but was no longer able to do this since 70 is the cut off age.  He explored giving bone marrow, but discovered the age limit for that was 40 years old.  So instead he set a national record and at the age of 83 became Britain's oldest living kidney donor, as well as the country's oldest person to donate a kidney to a stranger.
Nicholas said:
“The Practical are the facts that I am fit, have no dependents or responsibilities, am retired and have plenty of time.  The Emotional are that I have led an easy, comfortable and selfish life, enjoyed excellent health
and want to repay some of my good fortune.”
Crace said he realised that thousands of people are waiting for a suitable kidney, and many die while waiting and said:
“I couldn’t have lived with myself with the knowledge that I had had the chance of changing someone’s life and turned it down,”

“Altruistic donors are very special people,” Annabel Ferriman, chairwoman of the British charity Give a Kidney — One’s Enough, said in a statement. “They have the imagination to understand the suffering that people go through on dialysis while waiting for a transplant, and the courage and generosity to do something about it.”
                                    A Knight in Shining Armour

(Check out the video half way down the page HERE)

Romantic Karl Madden donned a knight’s costume and left onlookers amazed as he rode a horse through the streets of Billingham.  The 38-year-old then dropped to one knee, in front of partner Donna Minza, and uttered those famous words: “Will you marry me?”
Thankfully, a tearful Donna agreed - but was left overwhelmed by the gesture.
Karl had been preparing for the proposal for some time and had hoped to also sport a knight’s helmet, shield and sword.  The gardener said it was simply a gesture to show Donna how much she meant to him. “I just thought I would do it,” he said.

Boy, 9, Wins Disney Trip and Donates it to Fallen Soldier's Family

Brendan Haas earned a prize any young kid would appreciate — an all-expenses paid trip to Disney World. Instead of going, though, the Massachusetts boy gave the vacation to the family of a soldier killed in Afghanistan.
Haas earned the trip through a trading contest on Facebook he set up to help out a military family. He got the idea from the story of a man who traded up from a red paper clip to a house.
In February, Brendan and his mother Melissa set up the "Soldier for a Soldier" Facebook page in an attempt to trade up from a toy soldier to a Disney trip.
Through a series of trades on the social network site, he managed to amass Disney gift certificates worth almost $900 as well as airfare and a stay at a Disney resort hotel.
On Memorial Day, the boy pulled the name of 2-year-old Liberty Hope Steele out of a hat. She is the daughter of U.S. Army Lt. Timothy Steele, 25, who was killed last August in Afghanistan.

“I think it would make them a lot happier,” Brendan Haas said.

Gentleman living with Downs Syndrome achieves his dreams-
and keeps on dreaming...

Dustin Bean, aged 32 was born with Downs Syndrome.  When Dustin was a boy, he discovered Bruce Lee movies. He's been hooked ever since. “Power kicks or, or, or, um, power kicks or back hand, back hand twice and cha, chop, punch," Dustin said, explaining the Bruce Lee moves he likes.

Dustin developed an unique focus with the movies, a focus he continues today in his room, memorizing martial arts moves and dialog and performing both along with the movie. For most people, that would be enough.
But Dustin wanted more. He began working out with the Academy of Kung Fu. He quickly moved from a special abilities class to regular classes.
Instructors said only one-in-100 or even 200 students will make it to black belt. It became Dustin’s dream.

Steve Larson is a 7th degree black belt and owner of the school. He said students who reach black belt typically take four years. Dustin didn’t make it in four but he kept trying. He didn’t make it in 8 either, but he stayed focused. Dustin didn’t even make it in 12 years.
But last April, after 13 years, determined not to let his limitations lower his expectations, Dustin earned a black belt in Kung Fu. “For me it was very emotional. I actually cried,” said Larson.

Dustin wasn’t surprised, he knew he'd reach his goal.  Larson said Dustin embodies the spirit of the black belt.
“It isn’t about just physical skills or it isn’t about how smart you are or how well you can memorize, it’s really about wanting it bad enough to train for it," Larson said.
And Dustin’s not done. He still loves the movies and the training and now has his sights set on higher levels of black belt.

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