Body Care

Self-care is never a selfish act—
it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have,
the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.
~Parker Palmer~

Self care is about looking after yourself in a healthy way- physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually.  Making time to do this can seem impossible but it is essential.  If you dont care for yourself eventually you'll run out of steam.  Caring for yourself isnt selfish or indulgent, but a means of recognising that you are just as important and worthy as everybody else and acknowledging that nourishing, rejuvenating and nurturing yourself allows you to pour out more love, energy and positivity into the world.  Its kind of like a water fountain.  Pipe from the bowl to the spout isnt connected the water cannot pour in or be taken up.  You have to put in in order to pour out!  Its difficult to know where to start or get new ideas - so here's a few to get you going!!!

Physical Care


"Health  is the thing that makes you feel that now is the ideal time of the year."
~Franklin Adams~

 If exercise isn't full of joy and fun you're doing it wrong!  This isn't about weight loss or muscle tone or any such thing.  This is about taking care of yourself.  Remember being a kid and running as fast as you can playing tag?  It was fun.  Exercise releases endorphines, endorphines make you happy!  Think outside the box and explore new means of exercise and even better get a friend involved.  This isn't a chore, its time for you and you should be having a giggle!  There's lots of ways to exercise out there- ditch the one you have to force yourself to engage in and find one that excites and amuses you - like this one: -



Okay I'll admit this picture below is an unorthodox one when speaking about nourishment and nutrition - BUT...

Fruit and vegetables, protein - we're all on it - grains even to a degree, and carbs too - but where we get stuck is the fats, the sugars.  If you need support with building a healthy eating plan consult your GP for support - but do me a favour - have a piece of cake from time to time.  Food should be enjoyed not endured.  Its part of nourishing yourself.  Whatever you eat, be it a chicken salad, or fajitas or a slice of toast slow down, be mindful of the experience of eating, enjoy the smells, the tastes of what you eat.  And if you are eating well - there is no crime, shame or guilt needed in having a piece of cake!

Nourish your body - take the time to moisturise, for foot care, for face packs, for steams, for massages - Not because you need to look good for someone else, or because you're going on holiday or because you've been dragged along to a hen weekend you dont have time for - but because YOU DESERVE THAT TIME TO CARE FOR YOU!!!

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