Reasons to Believe in You...

Reasons to Believe in YOU...

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself, in who you are and in your abilities - and they vary from person to person - but here's a few to get you started that we can all claim for ourselves!

* YOU are completely unique.

* You were put in this world for a purpose that only YOU can fulfil.

* You are beautiful inside and out.

* You are powerful beyond all imagination.

* You are capable of infinate love.

* You have a sense of gratitude which calls out joy in the here and now whenever you choose to tap into it.

* You posess within you the strength to overshadow negative thoughts with positive ones.

* You humanness allows you to support the dreams of others.

* You can embrace challenges as opportunities.

* You can live with enthusiasm and excitement for life.

* Your eyes, your heart are able to look at the world in awe and wonder.

* You have your own complex understanding of the world that is part of the fabric of you.

* You have more strength, courage, love and hope available to you than you will need in this life.

* You make a difference.

* You can be gentle and loving towards yourself.

* No matter how old you are, inside of you lives the eternal child complete with the joy, playfulness and wonder of your youth.

* You appreciate others and see their potential.

* You can overcome obstacles that come into your path, it may not always be easy, but you are always capable.

* Your passions run deep.

* The decisions you make help to shape your life.

* You are you and who you are is fabulous.

* You can let go of the past, live in the present and look forward to the future.

* You learn from your mistakes and move forward

* YOU are the best 'you' that you can be - and that is more than enough!

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